Date: 19. October 2018
Executive and Advisory Boards of the Foundation visit WMU in Malmö

Dr Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry, President of the WMU, Mr Reinhard Klingen, Director-General Waterways and Shipping in the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (middle) and the German Delegation (back) with Prof Schröder-Hinrichs (left) and the current students funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
Our Advisory Board Member and WMU Governor, Professor Peter Ehlers, visited the WMU in Malmö on 2 October 2018 along with the Chair of the Executive Board of our foundation, Dr Axel Henriksen, to mark the official launch of the updated and refurbished WMU Maritime Risk and System Safety (MaRiSa) simulator laboratory. Refurbishment of the laboratory was made possible by a subsidy from the German federal government amounting to EUR 150,000.00. Also present in Malmö were Reinhard Klingen, Ministerial Director for Waterways and Shipping in the Federal Ministry for Transport and Digital Infrastructure as well as Professor Dirk Max Johns (German Shipowners’ Association – VDR) as well as Tino Hensel and Ms Caroline Baumgärtner (Carnival Maritime). Professor Jens-Uwe Schröder-Hinrichs, Head of Research at WMU and also a member of our Advisory Board, informed the delegation about the special features of the laboratory, which provides the university with the potential to conduct an integrated educational programme in the fields of security, safety and emergency planning in maritime transport and to better coordinate its research activities.
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