Kerstin von Stürmer
- Born in 1961 in Freiberg (Saxony)(Sachsen)
- Studied political science / German studies / Scandinavian studies in Cologne and Hamburg, graduated in politics / German studies
- Since 1981, various positions in journalism, incl. posts in Cologne, Luxembourg and Hamburg
- Since April 2012 with the radio station NDR 90,3: Head of department for Harbour/Talk
- Part-time lecturer at the Europäische Medien- und Businessakademie Hamburg [European Media and Business Academy Hamburg]
- Organization and chairing of numerous cultural, political and economic policy events in Berlin, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony
- Publications (books): “Hamburg – Die Stadt, die sterben sollte” [Hamburg – the city that was supposed to die], “Hamburg – Die Stadt, die leben wollte” [Hamburg – the city that wanted to live], “Hamburg – Die Stadt, die auferstand” [Hamburg – the city that rose from the dead], “Stürmische Zeiten” [Turbulent times] (Convent-Verlag), “Trümmer- Träume- Tor zur Welt – die Geschichte Hamburgs von 1945 bis heute”[Ruins –dreams –gateway to the world – the history of Hamburg from 1945 to the present] (Sutton-Verlag), “Sea Cloud II”, “Hamburg skandalös” [Scandalous Hamburg] (Convent-Verlag)
- Memberships: Verein Maritimes Viertel e.V. Kiel [Association for the maritime quarter of Kiel] and Gesellschaft für Kieler Stadtgeschichte e.V. [Society for the urban history of Kiel]