Renewed support for IFLOS Summer Academy in 2016

Dr. Axel Henriksen and Souldan Ali Hamadou from Djibouti
By providing a full scholarship the Jens-Peter and Betsy Schlüter-Foundation supported the IFLOS Summer Academy again
From the 24th of July to the 19th of August 2016, the Summer Academy organised by IFLOS (International Foundation for the Law of the Sea) took place for the tenth time at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in Hamburg.
Also this year, the Jens-Peter and Betsy Schlüter Foundation for Shipping and Environmental Protection sponsored this institution, which brings together young talents in the area of maritime law from all countries. By providing a full scholarship the Foundation made it possible for Mr Souldan Ali Hamadou from Djibouti to participate in the Summer Academy, which provides content-related references to global maritime environmental protection even beyond the International Law of the Sea and Maritime Law.

State councilor Jan Pörksen, Mrs. Prof. Dr. Doris König, Mr. Souldan Ali Hamadou

Class of 2016
Photos (3): IFLOS